Today I had the pleasure of attending a Blush and Bloom floral workshop, which is a lively (and busy!) floral company with Becky De Oliveira at the helm of it all. Becky just took over the unit next to her original studio, so she now has plenty of place to play with and even some natural light. I’m pretty obsessed with her floral wall! We got to design our own pieces after a short (and very informative) intro from Becky, who made it look so easy (which it actually isn’t!)

There were plenty of creative ladies on the scene though, who all made some amazing floral arrangements. Hattie, who designs custom jewellery, was definitely in the running for ‘should maybe switch careers to floral design.’ We were also joined by Blaire Nadeau, who has a very busy millinery business (brides, check her out for veils and headpieces!) One of my 2014 brides, Laura, also came along, with her sister -and they all brought their Moms! Becky, thank you for such a nice way to spend my Saturday and for such lovely florals to take home!

Becky is running a Mother’s Day workshop on May 10th from 12-2, so you should definitely check it out more Blush and Bloom floral workshops if you’re interested in learning more about how to make these beautiful arrangements (and if you need a great Mother’s Day gift!)

xo Jenn

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography


Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography

Blush and Bloom Floral Workshop by Jenn Kavanagh Photography